Askppl is a new platform currently in beta. Have feedback, suggestions, or noticed a bug? Let us know through our contact form.

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Ask a Question reserves the right to edit questions for grammar, spelling, and clarity while preserving their original intent.




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Currently, once you’ve voted, you are unable to change it.

  1. Click the blue login button in the top right.
  2. If you are signing up with Google, then click “Continue with Google”.
  3. If you are signing up through email, then first enter your email.
  4. A six digit code will be sent to you to verify your email.
  5. Choose and confirm your password, and your account is now created.


  1. Click the blue button in the top right that says Ask a Question.
  2. Fill out the four required fields: Question, option 1, option 2, category.
  3. Click submit and the question will be posted once reviewed.


  1. Tap the plus button, located in the middle of the footer navigation.
  2. Fill out the four required fields: Question, option 1, option 2, category.
  3. Tap the submit button and question will be posted once reviewed.

  1. Go to profile page.
  2. Click the edit profile button.
  3. Click the blue button with the pencil.
  4. Choose a profile picture from the selection of images.
  5. Click save.

Custom usernames are coming soon.

  1. Go to the comment you want to report.
  2. Click the flag on the right of the comment.
  3. Click report.

  1. Go to your comment.
  2. Click the trash can on the right of the comment.
  3. Click delete.





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